Monday 2 July 2012


After figuring out that I usually write better when I am depressed, I realized that I am constantly in that state. Then again, since it is part of my mind, I can never pretend it is not there. As a matter of fact, perhaps it is what's keeping me sane. 

I have not read a book in a month. For a person who usually spend an unnecessary great amount of money for books, who read books like there is absolutely no end, this an incredible worrisome phenomenon. To be exact, I have not read any book that is not related to school or part-time work in any way, since if you counts that, the number would be at least 7. 
Perhaps that explains this empty feeling which prevent me from feeling anything lately. After the last exam is over, I will definitely finish the stack of books that I have already stocked in the to-read list.